In a world where humans and androids coexist, Rouge is an android girl, who is on a mission on Mars with her partner Naomi. The mission is to murder nine artificial humans who are hostile to the government.
(Source: ANN)
Karakterler ve Seslendirme Sanatçıları
Ortmann, Naomi
MainKurosawa, Tomoyo
JapaneseRedstar, Rouge
MainMiyamoto, Yume
JapaneseBaruque, Eden
SupportingOkitsu, Kazuyuki
JapaneseBashar, Afdar
SupportingTsuda, Kenjirou
JapaneseFate, Jaron
SupportingYoshino, Hiroyuki
JapaneseFitzgerald, Sara
SupportingShimamura, Yuu
JapaneseJunghardt, Jean
SupportingTakeuchi, Shunsuke
JapaneseNoid 262
SupportingKobayashi, Chiaki
JapaneseStahl, Ash
SupportingMiyauchi, Atsushi
JapaneseSturgeon, Jill
SupportingOgura, Yui
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